Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Taiyo Chemicals Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") strongly recognizes the importance of protecting personal information, and in addition to complying with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information," we have established our own voluntary standards for the appropriate protection of personal information in our daily business activities. In order to do everything we can to protect our customers' personal information, we promise the following:

1. When we receive personal information from a customer, we will clarify the purpose of use as much as possible in advance and obtain the customer's consent.

2. Personal information will be used within the scope of the intended purpose by those with the necessary authority for the specific business.

3. We will continuously implement necessary and appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access to, loss, falsification, leakage, etc. of your personal information.

4. In order to ensure the proper handling of customers' personal information, we will appoint a personal information protection manager and educate and enlighten employees, etc.
Conduct regular audits.

5. Your personal information will not be disclosed unless you have given your prior consent or it is required by law or for the protection of important interests such as the life and property of the public.
We will not provide it to third parties.

Contact us

For inquiries regarding the handling of our personal information, please contact:
Taiyo Chemicals Co., Ltd.
644 Shima, Gobo City, Wakayama Prefecture, 0003-584

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Questions about our products and services?
Please feel free to contact us with any inquiries regarding partnerships or transactions.
We will respond to your requests promptly and courteously.