Open Positions

Open Positions

Get to know the job

  • General manufacturing job

    General manufacturing job

    You will be responsible for product inspection and assembly work, and will support the shipment of products that meet quality standards.

  • General position (general affairs/accounting)

    General position (general affairs/accounting)

    In general affairs, you will be involved in a wide range of tasks such as human resources and labor management, and planning and running of in-house events, while in accounting, you will be responsible for supporting the company's financial foundation by sorting expenses, closing the books, and conducting financial analysis.

  • Sales position (resin product sales, mahjong product sales)

    Sales position (resin product sales, mahjong product sales)

    As a salesperson for resin and mahjong products, you will propose, sell and support products. By building relationships of trust with customers and making proposals that meet their needs, you will deepen your relationships as long-term business partners.

  • Technical jobs (technology development and maintenance)

    Technical jobs (technology development and maintenance)

    This job involves product development and maintenance of machinery and equipment. By responding to technological innovation, you will develop new products and improve existing equipment, contributing to improved productivity and quality.

  • Plastic Injection Molding Engineer

    Plastic Injection Molding Engineer

    This is a specialist job involved in plastic injection molding and molding resin products. Through machine operation and setting adjustments, you will play an important role in producing high-quality products.

  • Other work (shipping, etc.)

    Other work (shipping, etc.)

    We handle shipping and light work to help ensure that products are shipped smoothly.

  • Quality and Production Management

    Quality and Production Management

    This job involves controlling product quality and streamlining the production process. You will monitor the entire manufacturing process and ensure that products that meet quality standards are produced stably.

  • Web Marketer

    Web Marketer

    You will be responsible for implementing sales promotion measures on e-commerce sites and raising awareness of products using social media, as well as improving effectiveness through data analysis.


For sales positions

8:00 8:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 16:00 17:00
Commuting Task Check
Email check
Product planning meeting break Visiting business partners and business negotiations Return to work
Email check
Preparation for the next day's work
leaving work

Know the company



Global warming and environmental destruction are becoming more serious these days. It is important to eliminate waste in our daily lives, and we must distinguish between necessary and unnecessary things. As a company that contributes to society through manufacturing, we are required to grasp this era and take an attitude of working on environmental measures. The Taiyo Group is taking the lead in the recycling business, which reuses unnecessary things into necessary things, and by continuously developing environmentally friendly products, we protect our planet and the nature and environment of our beloved hometown, and contribute to the local community. We are now taking a firm step toward manufacturing that will enrich the future.

List of job openings

  • General manufacturing job

    General manufacturing job

    We are not currently recruiting.

  • General position (general affairs/accounting)

    General position (general affairs/accounting)

    We are not currently recruiting.

  • Sales position (resin product sales, mahjong product sales)

    Sales position (resin product sales, mahjong product sales)

    We are not currently recruiting.

  • Technical jobs (technology development and maintenance)

    Technical jobs (technology development and maintenance)

    We are not currently recruiting.

  • Plastic Injection Molding Engineer

    Plastic Injection Molding Engineer

    We are not currently recruiting.

  • Other work (shipping, etc.)

    Other work (shipping, etc.)

    We are not currently recruiting.

  • Quality and Production Management

    Quality and Production Management

    We are not currently recruiting.

  • Web Marketer

    Web Marketer

    We are not currently recruiting.


Contact us

Questions about our products and services?
Please feel free to contact us with any inquiries regarding partnerships or transactions.
We will respond to your requests promptly and courteously.